With over 35,000 species of spiders worldwide and about 3,000 spider species in North America, a few are bound to end up in our homes & businesses. While most people cringe at the sight of a spider, they are not all bad. All spiders are predators and will feed mainly on other insects and other small arthropods and are generally considered highly beneficial to our environment and provide a form of natural pest control!
Cold weather can bring spiders indoors seeking warmth and food sources. While most spiders do not pose any serious health or property threats, they can be a nuisance. Their presence indicates that other insects are present, especially when they become established inside a structure.
Eliminating a spider infestation can be complicated, and most people rely on professional advice and solutions to deal with the problem.
Anderson, Avon, Beech Grove, Brownsburg, Camby, Carmel, Castleton, Fishers, Franklin, Greenfield, Greenwood, Indianapolis, Lawrence, Marion, Muncie, New Palestine, Noblesville, Plainfield, Richmond, Seymour, Shelbyville, Westfield, Whitestown, Zionsville
Abell Pest Control will provide a custom program tailored to your unique spider infestation.
Our approach:
Your Abell Technician has the experience and training required for successful extermination.
Black widows are black and shiny, with a telltale red hourglass shape on the underside of their abdomen. Black widow spiders seek out dry and dark locations that are protected, such as underneath stones or decks, in hollow tree stumps, and in firewood piles. Black widow spiders spin their webs near ground level.
While male black widow spiders rarely bite, females are known to be aggressive and bite in defense, especially when guarding eggs. Symptoms of a black widow bite include fever, increased blood pressure, sweating and nausea. Pain from a bite typically reaches a maximum in 1-3 hours.
Brown Recluse spiders are light to dark brown, with a characteristic dark brown violin marking on their back. Well known for their secretive or "reclusive" behavior, brown recluse spiders often live outdoors in debris and woodpiles. Indoors, they can be found under furniture, inside storage items, and in dark recesses such as baseboards and window moldings. Closets, attics, and crawlspaces are the most common hiding places of brown recluse spiders, as they provide warm, dry, and dark environments.
Like the black widow spider, the brown recluse spider bites in defense. Bites are usually not felt at first but can produce a stinging sensation followed by intense pain. Their venom may produce necrosis or dead tissue which results in an ulcerating type of sore. Restlessness, fever, and difficulty sleeping are common symptoms of a brown recluse spider bite.
Common House spidersare often yellowish-brown in color with an elongated abdomen, although their color can be highly variable. While this species can be found under furniture and in closets, they are most commonly encountered in garages, sheds, and barns, where catching prey is easier for them. Outside, they are often found spinning webs around windows and under eaves, especially near light sources that attract potential food sources. Common house spiders are nuisance pests and pose relatively little threat to humans, but they may bite when threatened.
Jumping spiders are compact in shape with short legs, causing them to sometimes be mistaken for black widow spiders. They are usually black and covered with dense hair or scales that are brightly colored. Jumping spiders build web retreats, which can be found both indoors and outdoors. Unlike most spiders, these spiders are active during the daytime and they like sunshine. Jumping spiders may bite in defense, but their bite is not poisonous. This species is more likely to run from a human threat rather than attack.
Cellar spidersare pale yellow to light brown with long, skinny legs and small bodies. Cellar spiders thrive in humidity and moisture found in basements and crawlspaces. They can also be found in the corners of garages, sheds, barns, and warehouses, on eaves, windows, and ceilings, and inside closets, sink cabinets, and bath traps. Cellar spiders are not known to bite and pose no threat to humans.
Wolf spidersare usually dark brown with paler stripes or markings, and they have long, spiny legs. This species is often large and hairy, which can alarm some people. Wolf spiders can enter structures in search of prey. Once inside, they tend to stay at or near floor level, especially along walls and under furniture. Wolf spiders can bite, but rare unless they are provoked or handled.
Most spider bites are harmless and most people don’t even notice that they’ve been bitten. Spider bits symptoms can be subtle - a red inflamed bump that may be itchy.
Spider bites are classified as poisonous and non-poisonous. Most spider bites are non-poisonous although some can trigger an allergic reaction or become infected.
The two poisonous spiders in North America are the Black Widow Spider and the Brown Recluse Spider.
Most spider bites are harmless and will heal without treatment. However, occasionally an infection or reaction to the bite may develop. Call your healthcare provider immediately if the bite site looks worse after a few days. If you get bitten by a black widow or a brown recluse spider, go immediately to the emergency room for medical attention.
Abell recommends the following to avoid a spider infestation:
If you have an infestation in your home, contact a licensed pest control professional to inspect and treat the pest problem.