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Understanding What Attracts Mosquitoes Around the Home

Planter Mosquito

Mosquitoes are a nuisance, especially during the summer months. Understanding what attracts them can help you take effective measures to decrease their presence around the home.

The most effective way to reduce the number of mosquitoes is to find and eliminate their breeding sites – standing water. Bird baths, flowerpots, clogged gutters, and old tires are all ideal places to breed. Look for any sources that act as a reservoir around the home and remove the standing water.

Trim and maintain shrubs, bushes, and tall grass around the home, providing a damp and shaded environment for mosquitoes.

Deter mosquitoes by choosing mosquito-repellant plants like citronella, marigolds, lavender, and basil for gardens.

Mosquitoes are attracted to human body odors and dark colors. Use unscented hygiene products, and wear light-coloured loose-fitting clothing that covers arms and legs. You may also consider using mosquito repellents approved by health authorities.

Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk. If possible, avoid outdoor activities during these times.

By understanding what attracts mosquitoes, you can implement preventative measures to minimize their presence around the home.

About the author:

Since 1924, Abell Pest Control has provided quality services, protecting our customers and their patrons from coast-to-coast. Our customers enjoy the expertise and resources of a national provider. Prouder yet, we are members of your community, ready to service your home or business 24/7.

We are reliable experts in pest control—experts who care. At Abell Pest Control, we bring experience, efficacy and knowledge to customers who are looking for a fast, safe and effective solution to their pest problem.

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