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How food processors_pest outbreaks

Abell Pest Control

When consumers hear news about a business - especially a food processor - reporting outbreaks of rodents or other pests, it can do irreparable damage to the brand's image. In addition, in order to deep clean the facility, businesses typically have to close their doors and lose revenue to complete a full inspection. Preemptively working with a pest management company can save a business the headache associated with a pest problem.

What pests to expect in a food processor
According to Quality Assurance Magazine, Indian Meal Moths are one of the most common pests that infest industrial-level food production. These noticeable moths are attracted to grain and cereal. To manage these pests, the magazine suggested keeping a constant rotation of pheromone traps, switching them out every two to three months for maximum efficiency.

The Global Food Safety Initiative set out guidelines that can help industrial food companies maintain safe, pest-free working conditions. And no pest is as fretted about in a food-processing plant as a rodent. Previous directives insisted that rodent traps be placed every few feet - similarly to a moth trap. However, the Initiative suggested using data of previous entry points, among other locations, to place traps. In addition, maintaining a 'big picture' outlook can be beneficial.

"There have been examples where numbers of rodent control devices have been dramatically reduced, and pest management service has evolved to a more general inspection routine," said Jerry Heath, a product manager, to Food Processing Magazine.

What are signs of a pest problem?
How do you know when a few stray pests have turned into a full-blown problem? Seeing gnawed bags of food or chewed-through metal wiring could indicate rodents gone awry. Plant managers may have to consider fumigation to get rid of pests once and for all. This process uses toxic gases to get rid of pests in even the smallest of places. However, there are certain precautions that companies must take to ensure the safety of their workers - such as making sure that workers vacate the premises for up to four hours.

There are several chemicals, including methyl bromide, that can effectively kill off any lingering pests. For processors that would prefer to go the non-chemical route, Abell can use high heat to kill off pests.

To learn more about how Abell can do this, reach out today.

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Athens, Chillicothe, Columbus, Delaware, Dublin, Gahanna, Grove City, Hilliard, Lancaster, Marion, Marysville, Mt Vernon, Newark, Pataskala, Pickerington, Portsmouth, Reynoldsburg, Upper Arlington, Westerville, Whitehall

About the author:

Abell Pest Control is a family owned Canadian company dedicated to providing effective, professional and courteous service in pest management.Started in 1924 with one office, Abell now employs several hundred people with branch offices across Canada and the United States.

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