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Controlling crickets

Abell Pest Control

When it comes to indoor pests, you're not out of the woods quite yet. During the autumn, you may even see an increase of insects making their way into your home. As they look for a warm place to hide from the autumn weather, they may choose your basement. Crickets and cockroaches especially can crop up over the next few months. Before the winter comes, you'll want to make sure your house is an insect-free zone. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do before it's time to call in a professional pest control service. Keep reading to learn what you can do to stop these pests from invading your property.

It's a common problem: You turn off the lights around your home, head to bed and just as you are drifting off, you hear that annoying chirp from somewhere in your home. You try to ignore it, but before long, you're up and about, trying to locate that cricket. Just as you think you've found it, you hear the chirping from an entirely different part of the house. It can take a while to find even one cricket hiding in your basement, and if there are more, you might be getting very little sleep.

Texas A&M University noted that most cricket eggs are laid during the fall months, which means you might see an influx around this time of year. As adult crickets looks for a place to lay their eggs, they may venture into places that they wouldn't normally go during the spring and summer. This makes it an ideal time to control their numbers. Aside from being noisy, crickets can cause other damage, including staining walls and clothing and causing bad odors.

Lighting plays an important role in cricket management. Keep outdoor lighting off during the nighttime, as it can attract crickets. You should also seal up any cracks in your foundation or on window frames. You may also want to consider spraying a chemical pesticide near your home's foundation. Just be sure to read the label carefully before applying, and keep pets and children away from the chemicals.

Autumn is a great time to focus on pest management because it will mean fewer insects on your property when springs comes around. Doing the work now can eliminate insects before they can lay their eggs and hibernate for the winter.

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About the author:

Abell Pest Control is a family owned Canadian company dedicated to providing effective, professional and courteous service in pest management.Started in 1924 with one office, Abell now employs several hundred people with branch offices across Canada and the United States.

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