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Important pest prevention tips for restaurant owners

Abell Pest Control

Unsightly insects or rodents can be a major bummer for homeowners, but for anyone that manages a restaurant or other eating establishment, these unwelcome pests can be dangerous visitors. Just one mouse could turn away valued customers or even warrant a meeting with the health inspector or sanitation department.

For restaurant owners trying to keep patrons safe and keep pesky critters away, there are easy steps to take that can minimize issues related to flies, rats or any other animals.

The outside
There are a number of things about the outside of your restaurant that may be attractive to menacing bugs or rodents, and from there, these creatures may decide to set up shop indoors. The website Websteraunt reported that stringent pest management begins outdoors.

The most obvious thing that will attract animals is likely a dumpster or trash bin. Between cockroaches and bees and rats> and raccoons, all sorts of wild visitors may be interested in rummaging through your waste. Even bears have been known to look for free meals in restaurant or household rubbish. Websteraunt stated that maintaining your waste is critical to keep animals at bay. Make sure a dumpster or trash can shuts tightly, and be sure to clean the area frequently to wash away any odors that may be attracting pests.

A back light may also be luring in unwanted insects. Use this to your advantage and invest in a bug zapper. This way you can eliminate creepy crawlers and keep them from entering your business. It is also essential that restaurant owners make sure all entrances are sealed firmly so that sneaky critters can't make their way indoors.

The inside
Restaurant Management 1010 reported that similar proactive measures can go a long way from keeping pests from making themselves comfortable inside. In this case, the name of the game is keeping everything as clean as possible.

Start in the dining area, and make sure everything is cleaned up each evening. This includes wiping down tables and seats, as well as mopping or vacuuming. Pests want an easy meal, and left behind crumbs are easy pickings for bugs and rodents.

Behind the scenes it is equally important that you and your team take the time to make sure there isn't anything left out that will attract hungry critters. Keeping your kitchen as clean as possible is critical for maintaining sanitation standards, but your storage and prep areas will also require attention.

Be sure food products are stored in a way that won't attract any animals. Cardboard boxes or paper bags are not good enough deterrents, while plastic, sealed containers should get the job done. Websteraunt suggested keeping a special eye on products that aren't used everyday, because it may be harder to spot an infestation.

Elsewhere, trash cans or food drains should be kept as clean as possible. Left behind residue from food waste may be enough to sustain pesky insects, and in turn, these pests may become food for other unwanted animals.

About the author:

Abell Pest Control is a family owned Canadian company dedicated to providing effective, professional and courteous service in pest management.Started in 1924 with one office, Abell now employs several hundred people with branch offices across Canada and the United States.

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